Title: bra with 2 pockets to hide dollars
created on 09 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. lilalee wrote:
 What a gem!!! Like a mans money belt, well we have booby money!!! Love this!!
2. Baldur wrote:
 or bugs can hide there too
3. indigo wrote:
4. froufrou_fox wrote:
 Fun pic! My nanny (I called her yaya) actually had a bra that had pockets in it! I imagine it wasn't as fancy as this though.
5. solosater wrote:
 I just use natures pocket, but then I'm rather well endowed. All the frills and whatnot are for sissies;-) *****
6. solosater wrote:
 Hey, where do you keep your coins?
7. polenta wrote:
8. kmkagle wrote:
 Fancy bra, clever idea!
9. marius wrote:
 This just charmed me. How funny and pretty too!