created on 04 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. windy wrote:
 Nice polenta. If you didn't notice on the forum, thank you for the lovely compliment. It was thoughtful of you. I needed that!
2. indigo wrote:
 Very good Polenta! I am an ex smoker..quit 15 years ago, best thing I ever did for many reasons!
3. kmkagle wrote:
 Polenta - my apologies. My niece belongs to this site she was looking through the gallery and I forgot she logged on, I typed the above note to you and realized she hadn't logged off. Forgive me for the confusion!
4. Angela wrote:
 Good Messege!
5. katpedro wrote:
 Yes Polenta.
6. kmkagle wrote:
 I think smoking is so personal. I quit 5 yrs. Aug. but can't tell anyone else too. They will when they're ready. I just wish I had never started. There are times when I would love a smoke. But, don't want to go through what I did again! Good luck to every
7. indigo wrote:
 I agree with kmkagle, it is personal...it has to come from you. You have to want it...and after losing my father to lung cancer I finally quit but it took 7 yrs. Every time I lit one I would think is there cancer in me now...my dad's was inoperable. Af