Title: R.I.P Billy Mays
created on 29 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (3):
1. alanator wrote:
 try think draw,the new way to do art,the secret is in the innovative graphics engine that lets people of all ages create and share,and all for the low,low price of 19.95,order now
2. sheftali52 wrote:
 He was something else. I used to turn down the volume on the TV during the times he was on, but now I'll miss him.
3. jet369 wrote:
 Everyone knows people for their mistakes, disadvantages, or why they dislike that person. I don't. When another person passes, what will you know them for,their problems, or good things they did?

User: harrison1802

Profile Picture for harrison1802

Date joined: 26 Jun 2009

Number of pictures: 36

 Halloween 2009