Title: INVITATION invitación
created on 29 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. polenta wrote:
 Like the 29th of every month, today is gnocchi day. The delicious pasta is going to be served with TUCO (tomato and meat sauce) or 4-cheese sauce. Super tasty grated cheese on top will be available for everybody. Welcome!!!
2. katpedro wrote:
 Thank u polenta, I will be there. Do u mind if I bring a btl of Trinidad Rum.
3. lilalee wrote:
 Sounds great!!!
4. indigo wrote:
 Mmmm...sounds good, count me in! I'll bring dessert...if we still have room! ;)
5. katpedro wrote:
 Gnocchi Day was great.
6. froufrou_fox wrote:
 This is making me hungry.
7. Login wrote:
 Darn it! I was out of circulation. How did it go?