Title: An old man looking out of a window
created on 23 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Maddie97 wrote:
 Hmm thats interesting.
2. sheftali52 wrote:
3. polenta wrote:
 I like your intention. Very interesting
4. marg wrote:
 can we get an explanation ? (like the pic, but not sure why !)
5. jet369 wrote:
 The sky background is the same as this and the tornado picture. His dog, Sugar, is in the backyard. The cellar doors are locked so he'll need a key. The cellar has snakes so he'll have to bring a torch. It fits in with the other pictures.
6. jet369 wrote:
 So right now he's looking at his dog, Sugar, in the backyard.
7. jet369 wrote:
 Or he's looking at the tornado coming towards the dog and the house. He'll have to act fast to save the dog.
8. marius wrote:
 I LOVE this: the story line, the old man at window and the cellar doors!

User: jet369

Profile Picture for jet369

Date joined: 16 Jun 2009

Number of pictures: 29