Title: S.O.S.
created on 16 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Qsilv wrote:
 powerful! reminiscent of H.R.Giger
2. Login wrote:
 I don't understand it, but it's intriguing.
3. Baldur wrote:
 matthew, help me here LOL. I love it, I've drawn pornography that was similar, but never in groups of three.
4. Baldur wrote:
 I think it's reminiscent of HP Lovecraft
5. polenta wrote:
 kids, fermez la bouche. LOL Baldur this is NOT pornography. Are you crazy??????????????????????
6. Baldur wrote:
7. raydog wrote:
 I got HOW MANY?
8. lilalee wrote:
 Men look at everything sexual!! I see a giant bug setting on it's eggs!! Is interesting!!
9. Baldur wrote:
 I think raydog agrees anyway. It's not so much that men look at everything 'sexually' it's just that everything IS sexual, and as men we notice it.
10. Login wrote:
 I'll never see a cup and saucer the same again!