Title: I can't do it
created on 02 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (19):
1. lilalee wrote:
2. Arw65 wrote:
 Yes you can, you rock Mekeys, you always surprise me
3. indigo wrote:
 This is good...make another one but use all the same hair. I like the nose and the framing effect, it's hard to do a different mouth.
4. matthew wrote:
 You have come so far... & as ARW said... You always surprise...
5. marius wrote:
 Actually, you already HAVE done it! I swear I've met this woman. It was 3 days before her 4th baby was due. You nailed her facial expression ... and hair too! The only part you left out was the three little kids hanging on her. Seriously!
6. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for your comments..I could not find a way to make her smile..This is my first attempt at a face from scratch..
7. mekeys wrote:
 Sorry i stsrted with two eyes..I was trying to do shading but thats a lot of work..
8. Ilikecolor wrote:
 She's intense! Great job.
9. Angela wrote:
 I want to run to her and say "Yes, you can."
10. sheftali52 wrote:
 Wow, mel--you've done a good job on this. I can't wait to see your next face!!
11. marius wrote:
 Smile or not, she has expression in her face!
12. Login wrote:
 Does anyone see Eartha Kitt here ... or am I being daft?
13. mekeys wrote:
 Login the funny thing is i didn't use any picture to go by but she does look like someone i've seen.
14. kaylynn wrote:
 Yes you did!! Very nice face. Like all the elements you put in her hair style and the way you framed it was very artistic!
15. gwinnyb wrote:
 I actually think the mouth is great being creative has no limits, that is the fun.you can't do it wrong except in your own eyes
16. Login wrote:
 Mel, it took me hours to get Pavarotti to smile ... even tickling him under the chin didn't work!
17. Login wrote:
 marias has hit the nail on the head. She has the weight of a difficult life on her shoulders, and yet she's still facing it with determination.
18. mekeys wrote:
 WOW......Thanks for all your comments i really appreciate them..
19. ar1960 wrote:
 First thought that came to my mind was Eartha Kitt ha ha