Title: Camel at Sunset
created on 31 May 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. five wrote:
2. the_dude wrote:
 what a trite, cliché subject matter. it's been done before...lots! nonetheless, i think it turned out pretty good. thanks for the kind words, five.
3. eliza wrote:
 really good pic.
4. lilalee wrote:
 Very nice!!
5. polenta wrote:
 nice pic and good use of pieces
6. sheftali52 wrote:
 clever combo of the pyramid and the camel!
7. Dragon wrote:
 Not trite at all, this turned out wonderfully!
8. Arw65 wrote:
 I Definitely agree with Dragon, this is wonderful. the composition is superb
9. Qsilv wrote:
 (smiling here) trite cliche' stuff gets that way because something about the subject attracts people... so it's up to us to give it new impact, approach it just a little differently --which you're definitely doing!
10. kyung wrote:
 Great idea to draw camel, pyramid, and sunset together!!
11. Peasy wrote:
 Great job on this,Dude. Really, really nice.

User: the_dude

Profile Picture for the_dude

Date joined: 29 May 2009

Number of pictures: 31
