Title: Egyptian Princess with Lotus and Capon
created on 28 May 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. solosater wrote:
 A copon is a castrated rooster, I'd guess as with most animals this would calm him and make him a good pet. Chickens were brought to Egypt from Persia during the 18th dynasty.
2. indigo wrote:
 Can't believe all these beautiful pictures! Ra is good and so is your mosiaic
3. solosater wrote:
 Btw, I'd like to thank waterlily for the great lotys blossoms. I didn't ask permission; I hope I don't get yelled at or hated on;-)
4. solosater wrote:
 Thanks indigo, I don't believe my mosaic is anything like one would have seen in antient Egypt but the style was there so...
5. waterlily wrote:
 Well done, that piece makes lotus blossom easy for us, doesn't it. It's there for all to use, feel free.
6. solosater wrote:
 Thanks, I will make free with the lotus blossoms with no shame;-)
7. marg wrote:
 hey, this one is superb, solo.. and apologies for rating (but I had to)!
8. kyung wrote:
 Fantastic drawing!! Thanks for the world history lesson :o) I am learning a lot through TD!
9. matthew wrote:
 I thought I noticed something missing on that rooster...
10. solosater wrote:
 I always wonder how they do that sort of thing; I mean on a dog or a horse it's pretty clear cut, pardon the pun, but on a rooster? I can't even tell the difference between a male and female cat.
11. raydog wrote:
 This is fine

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Date joined: 20 Nov 2008

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