Title: Sekhmet--Egyptian Warrior Goddess
created on 28 May 09

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. sheftali52 wrote:
 This has a lot of depth and complexity to it. Can't believe someone rated it a 1! It's a 5 in my opinion.
2. inked_gemini wrote:
 The low rating was my own. Just keepin' it real. If you consider it a five, then I am beyond satisfied. Many thanks!
3. lilalee wrote:
 A beautiful piece!!
4. lulu4 wrote:
5. Nikkie wrote:
 Yes wow:>
6. invinciblehenry wrote:
 another stunning submission!
7. Login wrote:
 Clever idea ... and compelling to look at.
8. arty wrote:
 Beautiful. Learning something every day. Did not know the Egyptians had warrior godess's
9. indigo wrote:
 Fantastic! 5++ in my book.
10. nancylee wrote:
 The duality of the face is so intriguing!
11. eliza wrote:
 great pic!
12. charityb98 wrote:
13. marg wrote:
 wonderful picture !