Title: What Mother's Day present?
created on 09 May 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. marg wrote:
 love the little Delta jumblie.. is the 'too little' a tootsie roll ?
2. polenta wrote:
 too little is a pencil (boo for me)
3. katpedro wrote:
 Have a great Mothers Day Polenta.
4. marg wrote:
 no, no.. I thought it was a pencil at first.. but then I wondered why anyone would give their mother a pencil (unless it needed sharpening, of course) !
5. gwinnyb wrote:
 you're right about the plane. I sat for 30 hours, last week.. 18 of them on delta. still trying to unbend my legs and get my sleep straight
6. gwinnyb wrote:
 Happy mother's day polenta..hope what you get is just right