Title: who will get the job?
created on 07 May 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. DMarcella wrote:
 Really really good.
2. marg wrote:
 excellent picture, polenta.. hope it's a car mechanic's job !
3. lulu4 wrote:
4. lilalee wrote:
 A good pic!
5. sheftali52 wrote:
 wow--this is so good, I love it!
6. a4e4ka wrote:
 You've showed their personalities. Nicely done!
7. kaylynn wrote:
 This is great!
8. Qsilv wrote:
 oh this is rich! (both "full of detail" and also an old term for "funny")!
9. pollyesther wrote:
 this is great! good question and good point
10. Login wrote:
 Brilliant sketch. Young, smart and in a hurry to get away ... or mature, casual and with the benefit of experience?
11. marg wrote:
 hiya, polenta.. came back to vote - now will you tell us what the job was ??
12. marg wrote:
 OK.. and in answer to your question.. goose tastes wonderful, especially at Christmas, with Rotkohl !