Title: 2nd - Sunset at Eyeball Peak
created on 24 Sep 08

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. faith wrote:
 May I request comments please? I did a remake on my same picture. How do you like 1st version compared to 2nd version? Why? Thanks!
2. tiki244 wrote:
 I like this picture. I really like the sky. It makes it look very 3 dimensional.
3. black375 wrote:
 I like it better than the 1st one. Good job!
4. anushe wrote:
 I like this one better because you can imagine the sun setting. I love all of your paintings they are unique and very interesting!
5. faith wrote:
 Thanks tiki244 for your helpful comment! I was trying to get some color into the sky. I didn't realize it also made it more 3-D. I'm happy.
6. faith wrote:
 Thanks black375 for telling me you like this version better. Any particular reason?
7. faith wrote:
 Thanks anushe for your insight! Another thing I didn't realize - that the color would give it more a time of day - sunset. It does help to hear why someone sees something the way they do. I'm glad you find my pictures unique.
8. black375 wrote:
 Well, pretty much what everbody else said. The sun is BEAUTIFUL!!! It looks so 3-D! All of the colors really make the pictue pop!
9. Jovi wrote:
 I like your second picture better. I can see there is a lot of work in the layers-of-color sky. I also like your new addition of the tunnel. Good job.
10. Teresa wrote:
 The sky is very psychedelic, which suits the subject! Kudos on building the tunnel; it allows travelers on the eyeball road to reach the sunset.
11. Figgie wrote:
 YOUR road is not for the squeamish. Driving to THAT sunset might lead one to another dimension. You achieved a fine 3-D effect. The sky was worth all your effort and it makes version 1's sky look unfinished.
12. Birgitta wrote:
 This is downright cool.

User: faith

Profile Picture for faith

Date joined: 16 Sep 2008

Number of pictures: 8

Has a picture in:
 Top 5 September 08

 Halloween 2008