Title: Old Man River - Paul Robeson
created on 29 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (29):
1. westhawk959 wrote:
 awesome drawing/great song & performer
2. LadyO wrote:
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Login, your work is always so impressive!
4. kmkagle wrote:
 This speaks volumes! Very nice picture.
5. matthew wrote:
 She just keeps rolling along... Love the feel of this pic...
6. polenta wrote:
 very special, very different, very talented. The sweater is incredible and all the pic shows such a sensitivity.
7. sheftali52 wrote:
 Very well done!
8. NINA wrote:
9. jimsgal wrote:
 Your art is wonderful, Thank you so much for your kind comments on my "stuff". I live in the USA but formerly from Blackpool England.
10. Login wrote:
 Well, hello from Dorset, jimsgal.
11. marg wrote:
 Hey.. how did I miss this little beauty ?! He's just great, but I'll have to look at him again when there isn't so much light shining on my screen.
12. polenta wrote:
 Thanks for your help with "reconcile .... " which is different in the UK. Sorry for my always writing COLOR and not COLOUR or other words. It's just that I think most TDers are American.
13. Login wrote:
 No problem, polenta. I understand both spellings of English.
14. mostblessedone wrote:
 I love the face on this one. I've watched the playback several times, but I can't quite make out how you did the last layer of the face before the brown. The eyes and shadows are perfect.
15. Mila wrote:
 Login, your pic is beautiful too. Thanks
16. Login wrote:
 Thanks folks. If I remember rightly, mostblessedone, I covered the top part of the white face with the smallest dog noses, before overlaying with cows ears, leaving the tiniest bit of white showing.
17. five wrote:
 Well done
18. pollyesther wrote:
 very nice, i love this
19. marg wrote:
 BTW.. would you mind awfully doing another song picture soon ? Reason I ask, is that I've had this b***** song going through my head for a week now, and I've never even been in the deep south..
20. marg wrote:
 I don't think you could offend me.. except when you ignore my comments !
21. Login wrote:
 Sorry marg, didn't know you were there. Tell me what the song is and I'll have a go ... but your brilliant ... why ask me?
22. marg wrote:
 LOL.. no, I meant 'Ole Masn River' had been going through my head for a week !
23. marg wrote:
 sorry, -s !
24. marg wrote:
 I guess the last pic ended up as it did, was because I feel like we're in a waiting room at the moment.
25. marg wrote:
 -was ! (sorry - I really should read what I've written before submitting)
26. Login wrote:
 OK, now I understand. What sort of songs do you like? LOL. You've hit the nail on the head ... just like waiting for a train ... except I'm feel I'm standing in the tunnel.
27. Login wrote:
28. chelydra wrote:
 and -'
29. chelydra wrote:
 One of the all-time great recordings.