Title: emo
created on 23 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. anotherronism wrote:
 Hey! This is good. It does something to my eyes. The keep trying to refocus. That's a powerful drawing that can elicit an actual physical response. Uber-kewl. Welcome to TD!
2. anotherronism wrote:
 What's weird is that I can't stop this thing with my eyes. It's like double vision but you can always close one eye and stop double vision. This has the same effect with a single eye.
3. anotherronism wrote:
 I took psychology in college and we did a section on illusions and I don't remember ever seeing what is happening here.
4. anotherronism wrote:
 I'm getting a headache now. Sorry for all the comments. But this really is the strangest thing...

User: chineng

Profile Picture for chineng

Date joined: 22 Apr 2009

Number of pictures: 9