Title: One Thing About the Night
created on 05 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. Triste wrote:
 One thing about the night,/One thing about the day,/You turn around and meet yourself/Then go the other way.
2. marg wrote:
 stunning pic - where are the lyrics from ?
3. Triste wrote:
 It's an old skipping rhyme. You're supposed to chant it, and when you get to the part about meeting yourself, you jump and turn around in midair
4. Triste wrote:
 But it's also from a short horror story I read, about a man who built a mirrored room to try to journey through to the other side to meet his wife and children. The shadows in the mirrors ate him.
5. marg wrote:
 Oh no.. that sounded like a really good story - right up until the final sentence ! (I can't be well.. I can't stop laughing)
6. Triste wrote:
 Lol, it's a lot more disturbing when you read it.... the man was trying to contact his recently departed wife and children when the shadows killed him. He died alone in his house, in that mirror-room.
7. marg wrote:
 Oh.. OK, that definitely stopped the laughter
8. Triste wrote:
 Lol, buzz kill
9. marg wrote:
 Getting RIGHT back to the picture - it's just beautiful !
10. marg wrote:
 chicken leg ??!*!?
11. Triste wrote:
 Lol, I saw it, and I was like AWESOME she's a surrealist, but then I loaded it and it turned out to be rocks. WAY TO GET MY HOPES UP!!! Lol, it's really good though, even if it's not food!
12. matthew wrote:
 Any chance of seeing more than one thing about the night... Because this one thing is pretty dang good...
13. Triste wrote:
 Thanks....it's kind of creepy though, at least for me, because I know what it's connotations are...
14. marg wrote:
 'rocks' is it, now ??
15. Login wrote:
 Triste, the rhyme that started this off ... I do it at least eight times a day. The drawing is wonderful.

User: Triste

Profile Picture for Triste

Date joined: 31 Mar 2009

Number of pictures: 24