Title: Big Rock Candy Mountain
created on 16 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. Login wrote:
 'Couldnt make candy look like trees.
2. karbs wrote:
 Login look aat my candy trees!!
3. lilalee wrote:
 Real spicey!!
4. puzzler wrote:
 Thanks for your good wishes on my move Login, but I won't be returning after this week. I've already stopped drawing here and my sentiments about the site are fully echoed in what Grahame said, particularly the vindictiveness in the forums. I prefer humou
5. puzzler wrote:
 humour and lightheartedness. One or two rule the roost on TD and are very manipulative, so I leave the site to them. Good luck Login!
6. Login wrote:
 Thanks, puzzler. I wish you all the best, and I fully understand your reasons for leaving. Look in now and again because I feel change is in the air. Thanks for all your kind comments. I will miss you and your drawings.
7. Kugusch wrote:
8. matthew wrote:
 I love this...
9. froufrou_fox wrote:
 This is beautiful!
10. Login wrote:
 Thanks folks.
11. raydog wrote:
 The song "Big Rock Candy Mountain" was sung to me when I was a boy.
12. Login wrote:
 I remember my mum singing it to us ... and in my head, I can still hear Burl Ives singing it.
13. KJLavigne wrote: