Title: Pretty Sweater
created on 14 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. LaDonna wrote:
 Don’t mean to be nose-y but is this leather.
2. lilalee wrote:
 I'll take two, red and blue! great work
3. DMarcella wrote:
 I like the necklace.
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 very chic!
5. cokidokey wrote:
 LaDonna- Leather, Cashmere... use your imagination. LOL I see you are in Jerome. I used to live in Prescott. I love Jerome!!
6. marg wrote:
 that is one smart sweater ! (love the buttons & necklace!)
7. Login wrote:
 The buttons are unique.
8. indigo wrote:
 Mmm that's nice
9. katpedro wrote:
 Beautiful sweater.
10. LadyO wrote:
 Really neat idea!
11. thisisme wrote:
 nice, very creative. who's wearing it? think i may know them.
12. cokidokey wrote:
 Thanks for all the nice comments!
13. anotherronism wrote:

User: cokidokey

Profile Picture for cokidokey

Date joined: 6 Mar 2009

Number of pictures: 40