Title: Puttin on the Ritz
created on 10 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. autumn wrote:
 I love love love this song, used to listen to it over and over!!
2. kmkagle wrote:
 Bet you're dancing right now, right? Loved it when it first came out. Still do but haven't heard it in ages.
3. DMarcella wrote:
 Love this.
4. lilalee wrote:
 Really classy!!
5. Dragon wrote:
 You need satellite radio kmkagle. I hear it on the 80's station quite often (& I always turn it up and sing along!)
6. kmkagle wrote:
 We have satellit but I don't listen to it. What station is that on? Is it on in the daytime?
7. Login wrote:
 This is fun.