Title: Abstract
created on 06 Sep 08

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. hdwildmustang wrote:
 Looks like stained glass
2. Heather e1 wrote:
 I thought so to
3. lizmeister wrote:
 Very nice.
4. Teresa wrote:
 This looks very good! I can tell that you took special care with this piece. The angles in your stained glass add interest. Nicely done!
5. Heather e1 wrote:
6. nayee wrote:
 i like the soothing colors in this piece.
7. Heather e1 wrote:
 thanks nayee
8. PrototypeSoul wrote:
 thanks for your comment. this picture is really good. like a stained glass window. good one!

User: Heather e1

Profile Picture for Heather e1

Date joined: 15 Jul 2008

Number of pictures: 85

 Thanksgiving 2008