Title: Play with candy, don't eat it.. ;)
created on 18 Jan 24

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Comments on this picture (31):
1. mdawrcn wrote:
 My hand is bothering me after the last picture. I crocheted for years so repetitive movement is sometimes difficult. I am thinking of getting a dog.
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 I looked at an eight year old Husky yesterday that needs a home. I am torn between trying to help this beautiful baby or keeping mine and kittie's sanity and peace of mind.
3. mdawrcn wrote:
 I'll let you know. I may bring her home for a visit.
4. mdawrcn wrote:
 I have to cats now that are about seven years old. I think one would do fine, but the other is very skittish and would be terrified at first.
5. mdawrcn wrote:
6. indigo wrote:
 Huskies are very vocal and it's hilarious unless it's in your ears! I go on YOUTUBE and watch the crazy antics of these dogs and others. We lost our Mini Aussie almost two years ago to some kind of cancer or heart ailment that came up very quickly.
7. indigo wrote:
 We adored her! She came from a home where the woman was having a hard time coming to terms with the death of her husband and kept her caged for 12 hours a day. Her name was Ocean and she had amazing blue eyes. My husband is not ready yet for another dog.
8. indigo wrote:
 I think I am, but not too big a dog. I have osteo-arthritis and would have trouble walking and holding on to it. We use to have a boxer and I would have another one in a heart beat! We were her third home and she was adorable!
9. mdawrcn wrote:
 I told the husky owner this afternoon that I couldn't take her, then cried all afternoon. I hope she can find the right home for her. I don't think I have the energy or the enclosed area that she needs to be happy.
10. mdawrcn wrote:
 I just have to believe that the right dog for me will find its way to me. Medium -sized and a little older and maybe settled some.
11. mdawrcn wrote:
 I filled out an application to foster, but still waiting for a response. No answer to my messages. Driving me crazy, as I see posts every day about having to euthanize dogs. Plus is that kitties are so happy to have me to themselves.
12. mdawrcn wrote:
 Hard to think about stressing them.
13. indigo wrote:
 You're right about that. When we got our boxer we had a cat that we named Murphy (after Murphy Brown). Got her as a kitten. I believe she was close to 7 or 8 when the dog arrived and it was not good.
14. indigo wrote:
 It was extremely stressful for her and she passed away. I'm seriously thinking of getting a dog, if my husband is willing. Like you I can't have too big or too young a dog. We always give money to animal rescues.
15. mdawrcn wrote:
 Oh my, I am so sorry for the loss of your kitty. That really makes me think about the action I take. I am so sad for dogs that need a home and shelters are overwhelmed.
16. mdawrcn wrote:
 And sorry for the loss of your Aussie.💔
17. indigo wrote:
 Thanks. For us our animals are family. She was extremely spoiled and loved as I'm sure your "family" members are. :)
18. mdawrcn wrote:
 Are you on Facebook? I sort of panicked when I thought I couldn't get back on and would loose touch with everyone.
19. indigo wrote:
 No, I'm not on Facebook. Hey, you guys had a busy Tuesday.
20. mdawrcn wrote:
 I don't want to talk about it if you mean politically. SMH.
21. indigo wrote:
 SMH?? Are you still thinking of fostering or adopting a dog? My family and I are going to sit and discuss adoption. It would be later, maybe in May. We are keeping my cousins dog Griffin all of April, beginning of May.
22. indigo wrote:
 They are going on a cruise to Europe and we have babysat Griffin in the past when they wintered in Florida. He's almost 14 years old and even more attached to them as he ages. I worry a bit about the stress he will no doubt experience.
23. mdawrcn wrote:
 Aww. I hope he does well. It's good that he knows you. Yes, I am still Obsessed with getting a dog.
24. mdawrcn wrote:
 I go to part-time after the 15th, and I look all the time. I was awake scrolling at 3 am this morning.
25. mdawrcn wrote:
 I met with a fencing company and that is not out of the question. I contacted the husky owner and she has no prospects. I told her not to let the dog go to someone questionable. I do think I would like something smaller and more manageable though. :-)
26. mdawrcn wrote:
 I did not know we had "co-pilot". Interesting. I got furious with an editor for using AI on an article I wrote. I do not like it. Let's see what it does to this comment.
27. mdawrcn wrote:
 I was unaware of the existence of "co-pilot". How intriguing. I became angry with an editor who applied AI to an article I wrote. I dislike it. I wonder what it will do to this comment.
28. mdawrcn wrote:
 ðŸ¤£ I love playing!
29. indigo wrote:
 I'm not that computer savvy but I don't know what co-pilot is. :)
30. mdawrcn wrote:
 After you type a comment, select it by holding the left click button down and scrolling over it. It turns blue and Co-pilot pops up. Then you click on that and it will rewrite what you have written.
31. indigo wrote:
 Thanks. :)

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