Title: Fisherman
created on 16 Jul 23

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. indigo wrote:
 Excellent!! I think he's checking out Blue Bonnet girl. ;)
2. Daydreamer wrote:
 Probably, indigo. They'd make a cute couple, right (haha)? When I try to draw people in TD, they never end up with the facial expression I intended. I end up being happy if it just looks human.
3. indigo wrote:
 Oh believe you me, your people look fantastic!
4. Normal wrote:
 You may not intend it, but they look fabulous all the same!
5. KliaMia wrote:
 I agree with the above comments. Your people always inspire me to keep trying!
6. chellalynn wrote:
 ditto with all the comments. Everything you do is awesome!! (o;
7. bugoy1 wrote:
 This is fantastic!