Title: Kauld Forrest. Mars./d.22/s.w.s44/star
created on 24 Jan 22

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. indigo wrote:
 Very cool! Love it! I'm deep into The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett right now. :)
2. chellalynn wrote:
 Really?,, so is my daughter. lol thats awesome.
3. KliaMia wrote:
 Well done, gf! I'm really enjoying your titles too. Keep 'em coming! :)
4. chelydra wrote:
 I don't know what I'm looking at and the explanation leaves me knowing even less, but I like looking at it, which counts for something I hope.
5. priya41 wrote:
 Not familiar with the title and the book, but i love the pic, very well done too! And thank you for your lovely comments chellalynn!
6. artdillon wrote:
 A magical place,just waiting for tales of adventures and mysteries,love it so much.More please.
7. Butterfly17 wrote:
 Great placement