Title: helt herhen
created on 09 Oct 17

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. indigo wrote:
 Og det er godt at være her. En anden smuk komposition! Gør mig smil. :]
2. Lazy wrote:
 Cool art!
3. katidid wrote:
4. methusalinka wrote:
 hi Indigo AND "GODT GÃ…ET" thats what we might say here when we have overcome a touf time crisis etc and among friends when we might tip over but dont
5. methusalinka wrote:
 then it tells "you made it" right? ."I gue3ss that the tree seemed to like that comment.of yours. so did I
6. methusalinka wrote:
 and to all of you lazy katidid and Indigo its sweet music in my ears and eyes
7. linmar wrote: