Title: trying to make order in my yard
created on 03 Jul 16

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. nancylee wrote:
 Can you find me in my jungle?
2. AFSOUTH wrote:
3. indigo wrote:
 That is one beautiful yard! I think I see you near the trees. :)
4. pinkie wrote:
 Great idea!
5. priya41 wrote:
 Happy "getting the yard in order" ! Didn't find you because you were busy on your computer making this pic! :D
6. katidid wrote:
 You look nice in your green hat. Lots of nice flowers and veggies!
7. KJLavigne wrote:
 Such a wonderful splash of color!
8. Normal wrote:
 Missed this - so many plants, so little time! Nice hat to match the greenery.
9. methusalinka wrote:
 to make order in a garden is here so easy to see is true to get friends with it. and this is so easy here to learn and long for for long and then get there