Title: It's Complicated
created on 22 May 16

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. AFSOUTH wrote:
2. hjjr wrote:
 what is the story behind this interesting pic
3. indigo wrote:
 Ditto hjjr. I see a sad, crying pussycat. :)
4. starlight7 wrote:
 Thank-You for the comments. A: I forgot about themes, thought there was a new app, and I could add a Tune to my pic. DUH. So, added it to Music category. B: grieving the year mark of my Mom's passing, Hating that we have no Presidential Candidate of wor
5. starlight7 wrote:
 th, and my brain is void of ideas, that could make any of it better.
6. katidid wrote:
 Sorry for the loss of your mother Starlight7, hope things brighten up for you!
7. starlight7 wrote:
 Thanks so much. :) Probably shared TMI.
8. janice wrote:
 was good what you wrote, been a tough year for all of us, things will get better, love and hugs
9. starlight7 wrote:
 Yes, it has. And, yes it Will!