Title: Flag o' Scotland
created on 26 Jan 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. caramia wrote:
 After all, I am a Scottish lassie if you go by ancestry!
2. puzzler wrote:
 The scots would nay forgive ye lassie for using grey instead o' blue.
3. caramia wrote:
 It's blue, just... dark blue. you know what the candy one's like, don't you, puzzler? it's dark blue.
4. puzzler wrote:
 You wearin' rose tinted spectacles?
5. caramia wrote:
 no. it's BLUE. it just looks slightly gray. they don't make gray gumdrops. there's my logical argument.
6. yahoo wrote:
 definitely blue! Maybe the flag just faded in the sun a bit.
7. Login wrote:
 Definately faded blue ... but nicely done.
8. arty wrote:
 Good work lassie. Scottish by birth, but in Africa for 39 yrs. Still love anything to do with Caladonia.
9. arty wrote:
 And the sun does fade things, although Scotland does not get much of it!!!!!!!!!
10. Login wrote:
 Aye! But it's grand whatever the weather.
11. caramia wrote:
 thanks Scotland RULES. I've been to Edinburgh. Once.

User: caramia

Profile Picture for caramia

Date joined: 15 Jan 2009

Number of pictures: 61

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