Title: Decorated Egg ~Candy~
created on 07 Mar 16

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. hjjr wrote:
2. Normal wrote:
 Does look yummy!
3. Roza58 wrote:
 Well done!
4. 56rosie wrote:
 For Katidid's community challenge ~ 12 pallets-1 theme~ 'Decorated Egg' has been a very fun series for me. I would love to see more of us TD'rs do this challenge. Thank you for the wonderful compliments.
5. katidid wrote:
 A wonderful finish to your decorated egg series! I can't take credit for the 'challenge' as it started way back, years before me. I just started a new topic to include all 12 (with the new tree palette)...and misspelled palettes. :-)
6. Lizzi wrote:
7. bugoy1 wrote:
 Fun and colorful series!