Title: mess and order seems to get along someti
created on 17 Feb 16

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. hjjr wrote:
 looks luscious
2. AFSOUTH wrote:
3. fairdealing wrote:
  Congratulations top 5!
4. clrmered wrote:
 Congratulations on Top 5!
5. clorophilla wrote:
 what happened to that nice lady, first smiling then surprised and hidden?! :)
6. methusalinka wrote:
 clo if you knew but I guess you do..at least you have seen more than I knew there was. this part of life has the deepest challenges.and more being lonely than ever.but though smile wiped off.a new one must come.right!
7. methusalinka wrote:
 everybody WHO has congraturlated me for my one more a tour into one top5 and WHO had not heard my tak,well here it is.from Heart.
8. methusalinka wrote:
 after one more tak to everyone of you is here the last bit of what should have had room for this lately found title and I wont end here without repeting my TAK and smile linka