Title: Rosie the "Snowgirl"
created on 16 Dec 15

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Shanley wrote:
 very cute!
2. pinkie wrote:
 Pretty scarf! Like the flower design on the hat!
3. Lizzi wrote:
 She's so well-co-ordinated! Maybe she would be good at skating too?
4. janice wrote:
 very nice!
5. AFSOUTH wrote:
 She's cool & chillin in style!
6. indigo wrote:
 VERY cute! Someone should introduce her to Burgandy's guy dressed in red! ^}^
7. priya41 wrote:
 Ditto pinkie!
8. 56rosie wrote:
 LOL Indigo...that would be adorable.
9. mum23 wrote:
 She's lovely, and so well-dressed!