Title: Ferris Wheel fall,ooop's!
created on 03 Nov 15

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. alanator wrote:
 Ferris wheels can be boring,until Slice gets on.
2. Sakari wrote:
 It looks like the circus goer is prompted to "fall". Ooop's indeed!!
3. katidid wrote:
 lol, you are so good at these Alanator!
4. Fangzzz wrote:
 Alanator - don't get me wrong, love Slice, but this just shows such a fun level of creativity - wish you would push doing another series san Sir Slice (I'm ducking before Slice swipes me for this comment)
5. hjjr wrote:
 Slice is free wheeling
6. clrmered wrote:
 A really fun guy here!