Title: Watermelon dessert
created on 18 Jul 15

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Normal wrote:
 Now we're talking SUMMER! Really nice. I recall our first big family reunion in 1983 and the seed-spitting contest....
2. AFSOUTH wrote:
 A refreshing work!
3. Shanley wrote:
 i knew it was yours without even looking! delicious portrait and dessert!
4. chirping1 wrote:
 Lol! Starting to recognise my style! On my own personal challenge at the moment trying to improve my portrait technique, especially hands which I normally avoid 'cos I find them so hard!
5. clrmered wrote:
 YUM I'll have some, beautiful!!!
6. Lizzi wrote:
 I watched the PB and I still cannot see how you got the sparkle in her eyes.
7. katidid wrote:
8. ceniracoura wrote:
 Melancia!!!! Delicia!!!!
9. indigo wrote:
 I'm in awe chirping! Brilliant! *{*
10. pinkie wrote:
 Another wonderful picture!