Title: Sweet Dreams
created on 01 May 15

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. ppie wrote:
 Love this, the longer i look the more beautiful she becomes.
2. KJLavigne wrote:
 Love this!
3. 56rosie wrote:
4. Normal wrote:
 Outstanding candy lady!
5. hjjr wrote:
6. indigo wrote:
 Ditto all the above! ^J^
7. katidid wrote:
 Nicely done!
8. pinkie wrote:
 Like the expression and the flowing red hair! An apt title!
9. clrmered wrote:
10. yahoo wrote:
 Great pic!
11. clorophilla wrote:
 love it!
12. AFSOUTH wrote:

User: Lazy

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Date joined: 22 Dec 2014

Number of pictures: 52

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