Title: First Surgery Emotions
created on 21 Apr 15

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. katidid wrote:
2. Normal wrote:
 Great depiction of the feeling! My terror at the hip replacement came from being awake (to agree on which hip before surgeon started) and seeing a huge white room full of assistants standing by an amazing array of scary-looking stainless steel knives and
3. indigo wrote:
 Good one! I had been running away from first surgery for years. Petrified actually! Thank goodness I gave in... which lead to a second surgery to remove the big C. 5 years later all is well. ^}^
4. hjjr wrote:
 oh my
5. Normal wrote:
 (knives and all kinds of tools!)
6. Normal wrote:
 PS: Hope all is well and you are recovering apace!