Title: Strawberry Patch or Garland Strings
created on 11 Mar 15

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. katidid wrote:
 LOL, It could be either! Dark rich soil with hay around the strawberry plants, or gold tinsel with red and green decorations. Hmm, I choose the strawberry patch for some shortcake! :-)
2. Lizzi wrote:
 A hanging garden? Best way to grow strawberries! You are really getting the jump on spring. I can taste them already.
3. clrmered wrote:
 Me too Lizzi, I can taste them too, am in Southern Florida at the present where the strawberry fields are now ready for picking.
4. artdillon wrote:
 gorgeous pattern..strawberry fields forever!!
5. chelydra wrote:
 very handsome - would make a very classy xmas decoration too
6. hjjr wrote:
 either way it is nice