Title: Figure Study III
created on 26 Oct 14

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Comments on this picture (22):
1. bugoy1 wrote:
 This is my Halloween version of a figure study. It's from the Body World exhibit. They take real human bodies and preserve then with clear plastic.
2. bugoy1 wrote:
 If you haven't seen the exhibit yet, they have cut away sections of the human body to show muscles, tendons, organs and such . It's a great way to learn how the body is assembled.
3. baby wrote:
 Nice work!
4. Normal wrote:
 Hoo! Well done. I wonder if the decedents knew they were being donated to public art???
5. Lizzi wrote:
 Great Hallowe'en picture. I have seen this type of thing but you have made it a lot scarier.
6. indigo wrote:
 Wow!! Must be a very interesting exhibit in person. Well done! ^J^
7. bugoy1 wrote:
 http://www.bodyworlds.com/en.html T
hat is the website.
8. bugoy1 wrote:
 The "T" on "that" didn't want to stay on the right line. ^^
9. Fangzzz wrote:
 Normal one comes from China (Bodies) and they did not give permission. There is one Body World that is said to have permission - but there is controversy on this (see NPR's write up of body trafficking from Russia) I have seen both and found it love/hate
10. Fangzzz wrote:
 Bugoy great job on this.
11. katidid wrote:
 Wow! I have seen it on TV, not sure I want to see it in person. :-) Great job!
12. DilCoura wrote:
 Maravilhoso!!! Um dia ainda vou desenhar igualzinho voce, duvida? eu tambem.
13. bugoy1 wrote:
 Você irá
14. Normal wrote:
 I see they include skinned animals as well. Not quite sure that donating my body to science should include public display! Fascinating exhibit, I imagine.
15. priya41 wrote:
 interesting pic! very well done and ditto Normal! :)
16. hjjr wrote:
 it is indeed, a fascinating exhibit... well done, bugoy, i recognized instantly
17. AFSOUTH wrote:
18. starlight7 wrote:
 Very Scary! Even more scary... Look into where they got the bodies.
19. clrmered wrote:
 good job
20. Login wrote:
 The exposed brain worries me, but it's well done ... strong features, too.
21. kmkagle wrote:
 Quite a detailed drawing...nicely done.
22. clorophilla wrote:
 scary and strong!