Title: Glasgow's George Square Scottish Reform
created on 10 Oct 14

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Fangzzz wrote:
 September 19, 2014 after a no vote on the Scottish Referendum, George Square became the scene of arrests after trouble between Union and Independence parties - Scots earlier in the day followed pipers in rallies.
2. bugoy1 wrote:
 Great use of the pieces!
3. Burgandy wrote:
 Im seeing a kilt in a different pic you do. This is fun!
4. katidid wrote:
 I like your bagpipes and the player! Nice job!
5. pinkie wrote:
 Looks like kilted busker! Good one!
6. clrmered wrote:
 good work & lots of it...
7. priya41 wrote:
 Great job! and ditto katidid
8. Login wrote:
 Nice one, Fangzzz. Thanks for the info.