Title: Foster
created on 25 Sep 14

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. katidid wrote:
 My daughter's cat, he also has a black tail.
2. Fangzzz wrote:
 red contrast a good choice
3. pinkie wrote:
 He looks a very cuddly cat! Like the background!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Lovely boy! Did she foster him b4 adopting?^_^
5. clrmered wrote:
 I remember him in pictures where he had yellow spot on him... great job.
6. katidid wrote:
 The yellow was because some of her housemates (at college) decided to dye him yellow (with food coloring) for Halloween..so he could be "Pikachu". I have a photo of that. He was not happy!
7. indigo wrote:
 Very nice! He's a cutie! ^J^
8. FHunter wrote:
 Well done. Can almost feel the soft!
9. katidid wrote:
 Thank you all!

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