Title: its too hot outside
created on 14 Sep 14

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. Burgandy wrote:
 Probably where you are:) But it is snowing in Montana, and - the good news - fall is coming! I always enjoy how you create pics!
2. indigo wrote:
 I know! We have a friend in San Diego who is coming for a visit in a few weeks and he can't wait! Better not bring that heat up here... LOL! GOOD pic! ^J^
3. Normal wrote:
 And in central Illinois, I had to get out my turtlenecks and fleece a month early!
4. katidid wrote:
 On the north shore of Massachusetts, I am in long pants. socks,long sleeves and fleece. Yesterday and today have been quite chilly. Haven't put the heat on yet but did get out the electric throw to heat the bed covers! Too soon for this!