Title: A rainy day good for >>>>
created on 30 Aug 14

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. mekeys wrote:
 Only an hour & half..
2. indigo wrote:
 It's been a while since we had one of your fine PB's. You're still the master! I enjoyed this PB and it looks great! *J*
3. Normal wrote:
 Odd day in Illinois too - torrential downpour and quick sunshine. Glad you joined us!
4. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for your comments.. Yes it's been quite a while.. I've been stuck in Gothic..
5. katidid wrote:
 nice playback.
6. pinkie wrote:
 Well done!
7. bluemoon wrote:
 wonderful PB
8. hjjr wrote:
 another fine fun Mel pic
9. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks again..
10. Angela wrote:
 NICE!!! Good to see you. I've been away also.
11. mekeys wrote:
 Hi Angela. Good to your comment. I don't really comment much on others pictures, but I'm here every day..
12. mekeys wrote:
 P.S. see