Title: Key to My Kingdom - B.B. King
created on 01 Jun 14

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Comments on this picture (31):
1. Login wrote:
 Oh mum! Pastels or Gothic pixels ... you're a genious.
2. pinkie wrote:
3. indigo wrote:
 AMAZING!!! Ditto Login! @J@
4. marg wrote:
 oh, lordy.. you just keep getting better and better.. even when I thought there was no more room for improvement ! You're stretching this site beautifully...:)
5. mdawrcn wrote:
6. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Masterful and alive with his harmony!
7. puzzler wrote:
8. Baldur wrote:
 I love him, this is wonderful. Baldur has been to 3 BB King concerts so far. The man is amazing.
9. Normal wrote:
 Fantastic! He comes to my town this week. A friend volunteers as usher, so gets to see him for free.
10. okeanos wrote:
 thank you for this!!!!
11. Lizzi wrote:
 Every eyelash, and every tiny bead of perspiration!!!
12. Fangzzz wrote:
 Ok now I want lessons, and if you tell me to start by being perfect on type print - ahhhhh! Seriously, the planning and patience in this one paid royal. A big step up in level. I would buy this. Hope that comes as the bow down worship that is meant.
13. bugoy1 wrote:
 Spectacular achievement!
14. hjjr wrote:
15. Qsilv wrote:
 Photorealist --but with such sensitivity! And exactly what marg says. ;>
16. bluemoon wrote:
 absolutely perfect
17. karbs wrote:
 Love your whole gallery!
18. FHunter wrote:
 Well said all. Ditto, ditto, ditto and times three. Absolutely beautiful. I will be studying this one!!
19. mum23 wrote:
 thank you all
20. suzze wrote:
21. arty wrote:
 Thanks for being in touch. I just get blown away with your work.Sometimes I think you can't get any better,and then wham bang you produce another masterpiece. Please tell me your art is not just with Think Draw, as great a site as it is. You HAVE to be do
22. arty wrote:
 doing much more with your talent. I have no inspiration but look in every so often to this site. Winter is here just like Oz and I hate it. Roll on spring. Keep well.
23. starlight7 wrote:
24. clorophilla wrote:
 I'm speechless!
25. stevedover1965 wrote:
 This is just amazing how you see the whole thing from the pieces you use is clairvoyant almost do you plan out your pictures? How do you achieve this it's a gift...
26. KliaMia wrote:
 I join the others in awe of you beautiful work! Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
27. kmkagle wrote:
 Awesome picture of B.B. Great work.
28. priya41 wrote:
 absolutely STUNNING!!!
29. hxxhxx wrote:
 ...! ...!! ... !!!!!!!! ....#%^^^^ omg. wow.
30. KJLavigne wrote:
 Amazing,wow, and all the above!
31. geminikorn wrote:
 You have freaking super powers.

User: mum23

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