Title: ancient wheel
created on 23 Apr 14

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. indigo wrote:
 Good one! *J*
2. Normal wrote:
 I think this is fancier than the earlier slice of a log! I wonder if they went through a "hollow" phase before they figured out bracing with spokes? Nice one!
3. pinkie wrote:
 Like the log look!
4. hjjr wrote:
 this is supposed to be a stone wheel... at least has the potential to last longer than wood [if it doesn't crack on a particularly hard bump]
5. Normal wrote:
 Ah - nice stony look with a little moss on top! Still have serious doubts there was a stone wheel, except eventually the kind for grinding. (I'm not an anthropologist...)
6. priya41 wrote:
 brilliant idea hjjr! great texture to the stone wheel
7. chelydra wrote:
 The astro-symbol of Earth, which I thought would make a good symbol for an earth crusade. Then it turned out the Ku Klux Klan got it first!!! But it's still beautiful, and your picture does it justice.
8. Login wrote:
 Very early ... carved from stone.
9. clorophilla wrote:
 love how the background turns in solid stone (or even steel...)

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