Title: The Covenant
created on 03 Feb 14

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. chelydra wrote:
 I made the mistake of checking out the Biblical verses about the end of the Flood, and the Covenant was pretty grim —
2. chelydra wrote:
 â€”and gray, essentially a license to enslave our brothers and devour everything that moves. But the Earth (Creation) is still a colorful place.
3. Normal wrote:
 Yep, lots of grim stuff for those who prefer fear with their religion! Love your rainbow earth - & cool dove.
4. bugoy1 wrote:
 The Old Testament god is a tad on the vengeful and petty side. That doesn't sound healthy to me. But your pic is great!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 An example of Man creating God in his own image. I have to have a look at that covenant, Chelydra. Didn't realize it had a dark side. I love your delicate picture.
6. chelydra wrote:
 The Covenant itself, I think, was just God saying there'd be no more global floods eradicating everything and everyone (which I guess is the source of James Baldwin's book title, The Fire Next Time). But...
7. chelydra wrote:
 ...at the same time, more or less as part of the same deal, He laid down some new rules, condemning Ham and all his descendants to perpetual slavery, saying animals are no longer allowed to kill people but people are now allowed to eat all creatures, etc.
8. chelydra wrote:
 The translation that popped up from a search happened to be a thoroughly dumbed-down born-again(?) version, so maybe it struck me as especially obnoxious, stripped of the high-falutin rhetorical flourishes.
9. Qsilv wrote:
 Hard not to smile though, at a rainbow shining through gray clouds and a myriad reflections sparkling in diamond drops on a dark wet earth!
10. methusalinka wrote:
 arriving just maybe at the clif-top and let the first leaf be seen ever since, is to me the tale I lean to. thats all to me. and one of our psalmpoets made a song abt. it. I love it. wish you all could read it as it is. its title is "her skal ties her sk
11. methusalinka wrote:
 and again; "her skal ties her skal bies" besides being full of hope courage in every line and beauty too its to me the one erotic hymn, that still lingers.. when all is silence.
12. methusalinka wrote:
 and ditto Qsilv the smile bit and the two poems from you two chel and Q
13. methusalinka wrote:
 and hi from here deep in the night when I should be sleeping but ..ja so tempting though I know challenges wait on me. and I must be ready for it.so pause again.focus and godnat from linka
14. KJLavigne wrote:
 It's a promise that the world will not be destroyed by a flood again. Joyful promise. He gives warning first and always. It's not His fault mankind will ignore the warnings and refuse the escape route. God is love.

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