Title: Above the Clouds: Mauna Kea
created on 23 Nov 13

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. bugoy1 wrote:
 The observatory on Mauna Kea sits at 4,200 meters or 13,780 feet above sea level. Snow is not uncommon for this Hawaiian mountain top.
2. InTheOcean wrote:
 I speak from experience when I say no, no it is not uncommon. Still, very good representation of all these pictures! Have you been here?
3. Hobbes wrote:
4. bugoy1 wrote:
 My wife and I were on Mauna Kea (and it got cold!) in 2009. We didn't go all the way to the top. We did stop at the visitor's area and look through those telescopes. At that elevation, the stars don't "twinkle". They are solid. It was so inspiring!
5. bugoy1 wrote:
 And yes, I've been to Hawaii a few times.
6. bugoy1 wrote:
 If I had the means, I'd live in Kona (for the coffee). I love Hawaii!
7. hjjr wrote:
 cool pic
8. clorophilla wrote:
 bugoy, You should try Italian cofee! let me know if you'll come in ROme! This pic is amazing, and it's just the righ kind of light and colour of those places!
9. bugoy1 wrote:
 Rome is on my bucket list. I may never want to leave! The Borghese Gallery is my #1 goal. Bernini is my favorite of all time. You'll have to show me the best coffee spots - someday... :)
10. five wrote:
 well done
11. suzze wrote:
12. AFSOUTH wrote: