Title: Hands of Fate
created on 04 Nov 13

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. bugoy1 wrote:
 I started with the title of "Bubbly Forecast", but I like the hands better than the bubbles in the crystal ball.
2. indigo wrote:
 I saw hands at first and couldn't figure out how you did that. PB comes in handy! Nicely done bugoy! *J*
3. hjjr wrote:
4. Hazer wrote:
 Coming for all of us sooner or later. Well depicted.
5. bugoy1 wrote:
 You're right Hazer. It's one guarantee we have in our future. And thank you for your comments everyone!
6. clorophilla wrote:
 Amazing hands! undenieble concept.
7. bluemoon wrote:
8. bugoy1 wrote:
 This one is the only one I'm satisfied with so far. All my others I look at and wish I could go back and change something. Funny how ratings don't follow my likes.
9. Qsilv wrote:
 (smiles) Get used to that irony, kiddo! And yep, we ALL see stuff we yearn to change just AFTER we submit. Your work's a joy; I do hope you keep all these pieces here... so interesting for us to study and learn from.
10. bugoy1 wrote:
 Thanks QSilv! It's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels that way. By the way, where would I keep these pieces if they weren't here?
11. Qsilv wrote:
 Well I keep a lot on my personal drives, against the day their cre's (or TD itself) might delete them. And I've put a couple up on Flickr. What I really meant tho', was please DON'T get all "omg these aren't worthy" and go deleting 'em! ;>
12. marg wrote:
 Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you :) Brilliant pic - but what else could I expect from a fellow scorpio ?
13. bugoy1 wrote:
 Thanks Marg!
14. suzze wrote:
15. Login wrote:
 Amazing. Thanks for the art lesson.
16. Baldur wrote:
 The hands are both there and not there. Schrodinger's hands? If that ios even close to his name. I enjoyed this drawing very much