Title: a promise never to let us down
created on 17 Jun 13

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 how ever down and down we go... only had time for one pic.hope for web in july.wave to you saying ever so THANKS for all you have said to me.hej from linka
2. indigo wrote:
 Hope all is well with you dear linka. I will send you positive thoughts for web in July. Take care. *J*
3. clorophilla wrote:
 Hoping to see you more in July then! Thanks for this little pearl.
4. priya41 wrote:
 Ditto. Clorophilla
5. methusalinka wrote:
 also here I see that I never sent you my reply any of you. sorry thought I did. guess I made a draft and forgot to send it.when I had access to web. but here I tell you TAK!!
6. methusalinka wrote:
 and indigo tak for your positive thoughts coming to me so that july shall be with web at last..and I do my best to take care and not to mistrust.and clo I do too and tak for calling my pic a pearl.and priya41 tak also to you.
7. methusalinka wrote:
 to day time here at the centers web was short too short for more than this to tell you though not till now but with all my heart that you give me courage and feeling of sharing.tak. and then and how fun it was I did doodled a bit again and did send it..
8. methusalinka wrote:
 but on wednesday there might be more time.at this center after meal..with the comp. and if so I can enjoy your art and be here a bit more.hope so.linka
9. bluemoon wrote:
 welcome linka! great to see you and your art.
10. methusalinka wrote:
 it was not that wednesday! the chances thru this time to get to any web has been all too few.but now in the beginning of july I get help.its finally going to be big smile from linka
11. methusalinka wrote:
 and then I get back my tv radio CD too. technic disorders have teased,since winter but soon all back to be able to use again.when I get help.lucky me!