Title: its here - så kom den
created on 07 Jun 13

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Lolla wrote:
 Hello, Linka! A heart full of joy!!!!
2. methusalinka wrote:
 hello lolla could you see it. I guess thats just what it is. to day. tak for telling me.linka
3. bluemoon wrote:
 hello! here is your great heart.
4. indigo wrote:
 Du fylder dine venners hjerter med glæde! *J* HELLO linka, so happy to see you!
5. methusalinka wrote:
 sorry indigo and bluemoon again here I see that you did not get my reply yet.
6. methusalinka wrote:
 but here it is. a big tak comes first. for if you knew what it is to me not to have lost our sharing but be welcome and feel it in all you say.
7. methusalinka wrote:
 bluemoon if that is what I have made you feel my heart does grow..for it knows it is safe and home. tak and indigo tak fordi du siger det til mig..ja det vil jeg meget gerne gøre.
8. methusalinka wrote:
 og nÃ¥r jeg hører at jeg gør det, blir jeg meget meget glad.happy-glad you did make me feal.tak from linka