Title: Lonely vigil
created on 10 Jan 13

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Comments on this picture (20):
1. clorophilla wrote:
 Nice to see you drawing mum! Hopig all's going well for you! This simple pic is so strong in feeling...
2. Rekid wrote:
 Ooooooo. 'Nice!
3. maddypatty wrote:
4. indigo wrote:
 I hope you are staying cool and not in any danger with the fires. Very well done with that background and a pleasure to see you again! ^J^
5. indigo wrote:
 Forgot to tell you, I checked your site and LOVE your art!! The Clydes are amazing (my favorites) and love the water dragon! It's all very good!
6. pinkie wrote:
 Very good use of background!
7. Normal wrote:
 We've seen a lot of Australia on the news with skies this color. Hope all goes well!
8. mum23 wrote:
 Thanks... it's been very hot, and windy too... we've had the fire pump set up for days now. So far, no fires nearby... but feeling for those who have been through it...
9. mdawrcn wrote:
 I've been thinking about you as I watch the news too. Glad you aren't in danger. Hope that holds true.
10. suzze wrote:
11. AFSOUTH wrote:
 We've had our share here in the past and it's just heart breaking! Glad to hear that you are clear of them!
12. priya41 wrote:
 brilliantly done!
13. nancylee wrote:
 Haunting. Thank you for the nice comment.
14. marg wrote:
 wow, mum.. missed this one and isn't it beautiful ! just love the light etched against the lighthouse and reflected on the sea
15. hjjr wrote:
 great pic... and great use of background
16. golehto wrote:
 beautiful :) :) :)
17. mdawrcn wrote:
 It's good to hear from you. I hope you had a great trip to the states and that everything is going well for you! We are having lots and lots of rain and for the first time in several years are not under any drought conditions. Unfortunately there is some
18. mdawrcn wrote:
 flooding not too far away.
19. DilCoura wrote:
20. DebbieBreau wrote:
 Very Striking

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