Title: Waiting on The Water for 2013
created on 29 Dec 12

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 Beautiful scene!
2. Lei7 wrote:
 Oh Wow! This is absolutely incredible. I continue to stand amazed at what you come up with. I replayed this over and over again. All I can say is "WOW! another one of a kind masterpiece!"
3. Hobbes wrote:
4. artdillon wrote:
 conjured to perfection.
5. Lolla wrote:
 You lead us into the New Year with grace and tranquility. We are so blessed to have someone like you on TD! Best wishes for you and your family. Thank u for all your kind comments.
6. KJLavigne wrote:
 Stunning color and depth!
7. clorophilla wrote:
 I'd recognise your pics among hundreds. Only you could make the darkness "shine" in that way. This pic is breathtaking!
8. kata wrote:
 vow! this is amazing!
9. bayofquinte wrote:
 this pic is mysteriously serene & hauntingly beautiful, befitting the wait for a New Year & what it may hold for us.
10. Burgandy wrote:
11. bluemoon wrote:
 Happy 2013 and thank you for all your amazing art and soul.
12. hjjr wrote:
13. suzze wrote:
14. indigo wrote:
 Amazing reflection! Beautiful pic! ^J^
15. methusalinka wrote:
 again one pic I did not see while I was off web. but AFSOUTH when now I can see it and does see it, I just want to say nothing. as the silence in your pic said it all.
16. Roza58 wrote:


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