Title: once a ship lost its way
created on 20 Nov 12

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 to the bottom of a sea.
2. clorophilla wrote:
 I saw the ship, and the sanking - with the sun that becomes more and more far away and vanished beyond the wather... very sad!
3. momeoky wrote:
 It did sink! Great "animation"!
4. indigo wrote:
 Great playback with SO many lovely colors and designs along the way! ^J^
5. indigo wrote:
 I just read your note on Thanksgiving. In Canada we celebrate in October but I could easily do it again. LOL! ^J^
6. indigo wrote:
 Take care Linka...looking forward to your return. ^J^
7. marg wrote:
 lovely pic, linka.. make the most of your last days in the eldercentre and come back soon :)
8. methusalinka wrote:
 from me from my heart that you given so much care and kindness I shall do just that.linka
9. priya41 wrote:
 very well done pic, linka! and take care, tak to linka from priya41 for the lovely comments!
10. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Take care indeed linka! All the best wishes to you!
11. Lizzi wrote:
 The idea is sad, but the picture speaks to me of bright hope and happiness. Do not you get lost, Linka. Keep on checking in with us...you are enriching our lives!
12. methusalinka wrote:
 now friends after breaking my pause, I go back to pausing.and bare with me your lovely fare well`s.tak. see you after decembers first week.blessed advent coming soon.to all.linka